U.S.A. Head Office


A 501C(3) Non Profit, EIN:77‐0195‐083

U.S.A. Donation Infomation

Stock Donation

Beneficiary Crossroads Publications
Address P.O. Box 3356, Los Altos, CA 94024
Phone 650-968-1866
Contact Name Yi Hen Wei (wei4christ@hotmail.com)
Esther Fan (efan@missionpathway.org)
Receiving Institution eTrade Financial
Receiving Institution Account 227 559650
DTC# (Required for Stock
and Bond Transfers):

wei4christ@hotmail.com or efan@missionpathway.org

Please email to us after you have made a donation.

Reminder: If you have held the stock for less than one year, you are only entitled to deduct from income your cost basis or the fair market value of that stock, whichever is lower. The deduction is limited to 50% of your adjusted gross income, with a five-year carry-forward. Please confirm with your tax accountant. To maximize your tax benefit, it is best you have held your stocks for over 1 year and a day.

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